We offer Free Telephone and Office Consultation
We offer Free Fee Quotation
We offer low-Fees flat rates
We accept partial and MasterCard / Visa payments
We will fight hard for you.
We will treat you with respect
We will help you every step of the way
We will represent you in the courtroom
We are knowledgeable in court proceedings
We are highly skilled and experienced at fighting traffic violations

If you need a traffic ticket lawyer in Center Line, Michigan, who can give strong support in the courtroom, then you came to the right place. We have years of experience fighting for driver's with the same traffic violation like yours and we will be happy to help you reduce or remove your fines. With us, you can be sure that we know how the legal system works inside out. What are you waiting for? Call us today at 586-755-2900!

Center Line Ticket Case Look Up

Contact us, look-up your case then call us or send us a copy of your ticket or notice-to-appear for a free quote. We will give you a price to have our top-rated attorney provide legal representation in court to handle your matter.

Here are some of the traffic citation we handle

Driving vehicle Without Proof of Insurance
Illegally Texting While Driving
Driving the Wrong Way Down a One Way Roadway
Driving The Wrong Way on a One-Way Street Ticket
Habitual Traffic Offender
Traffic Control Device Citation Ticket
Failure-to-Yield Motor Vehicle Collision Traffic Ticket
Following Too Closely (Tailgating) Violation Ticket
Disregarding Stop Sign Violation
Speeding Violation
Caught Driving with Suspended License Privilege
Caught Driving while Driver's License has been Cancelled
Caught Driving with a Revoked License Privilege
Operating a vehicle under the influence of Alcohol and Illicit Drugs
Driving Without Proof of a Valid License
Improperly Wide Turn Violation Ticket